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IXOM is committed to providing high quality products and services to customers in the industries we supply and the communities in which we operate.
Our FootprintSafetyQuality
At IXOM, our belief is that quality is 24/7.
That means, throughout all of our supply chains, processes and standards, we embed our quality goal of sourcing, manufacturing and supplying trusted products and service solutions that are ‘right for purpose’ and meet or exceed customer expectations each and every time.

It’s every person in the value chain taking ownership, fostering accountability and showing responsibility at each step and we understand that our customers’ success relies on our ability to be consistent in the products and services we provide.

Our customers, suppliers and the communities we operate in rely on IXOM to continually improve standards, setting and raising the bar across the industry.

We deliver this consistency through our four pillars:


Our dedicated Regulatory Affairs and Technical team maintains compliance obligations for all local, state and federal regulations, including import and export requirements. We keep abreast of regulatory changes and respond proactively to ensure compliance of our products and services, and we regularly engage with regulatory bodies to offer our advice and expertise.

Quality Control

Compliance is an important aspect of delivery on our quality goal. To achieve this, we have in-house laboratory and quality expertise, and where required, we leverage relationships with external laboratories to further support manufacturing and customer requirements.

Quality Assurance

Our Quality Assurance team audits our compliance against our quality management system, providing further confidence to our customers.  We continually look to improve our performance throughout all products and services within our supply chain.

Vendor Assurance

Our Vendor Assurance team exists to ensure that our vendors deliver on quality and meet expectations across raw materials, packaging, products and supply chain services. Vendor assurance spans the entire lifecycle of a product and throughout the vendor partnership.

Our Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001. Where relevant, our sites hold certifications to standards such as FSSC 22000 (GFSI approved), ISO 22000, and FAMI-QS. 

IXOM connects with many industry bodies to grow and maintain our knowledge base, including active membership to the Australian Allergen Bureau, and our products can be certified to Halal, Kosher, TGA, Rainforest Alliance, GMP and Organic standards, to meet our customers’ varying requirements.