Ion exchange for the removal of organic contaminants.
Our MIEX® operation focuses on the development and support of ion exchange solutions for the removal of dissolved organic contaminants (DOC) from water and wastewater streams.
MIEX® offers a range of innovative ion exchange solutions and custom designed treatment systems, all of which are supported by a comprehensive service program and a dedicated specialist team of Sales, Engineering and Technical staff.
Unlike alternative DOC removal solutions, MIEX® prevents excessive disinfection by-product formation everywhere downstream while simultaneously reducing chemical demands in downstream unit operations in some instances by up to 70%! Since our first large-scale implementation in Australia in 2002, MIEX® operates in 80+ water treatment plants in 12 countries including the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.
MIEX® and MICo® processes can be designed to remove or reduce dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ammonia, colour, hardness, sulfates and bromides, improving water quality.